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J&J Sports Production, Inc. 2017 lawsuit updates

Posted by Steve Vondran | Jul 26, 2017 | 0 Comments

Does J&J Sports Production, Inc. file lawsuits for cable TV piracy? 2017 updates.


If you received a legal demand letter from the Law Offices of Thomas P. Riley (Pasadena) this is likely a valid letter that you may have to (unfortunately) deal with.  Some clients have thought the letter was not legitimate and ignored it only to find out it is a valid letter.  This is an important public notice and if you are not if a letter or email you received is not valid call us for a free initial review.  As noted below, Plaintiffs are very aggressive and you could be facing both civil and criminal penalties and potentially a laws suit exceeding $100,000 in monetary damages.

NOTE: We accept cases from around the United States subject to local court rules.

Federal Court case search

Using the federal pacer search tool I noticed that federal lawsuits have been filed in the following state district courts:

  1. California (Central District)
  2. Alabama
  3. Phoenix, Arizona
  4. Arkansas
  5. Missouri
  6. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  7. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
  8. Anchorage, Alaska
  9. Nashville, Tennessee
  10. New York (Eastern District)
  11. Maryland
  12. Texas (Southern District)
  13. South Carolina
  14. Ohio

Here is a partial list of the case numbers (you may have to sign up for an account to view the case documents):

caedce 2:2017-cv-00945 alsdce 1:2017-cv-00189 alsdce 2:2017-cv-00190 azdce 2:2017-cv-01322 azdce 2:2017-cv-01320 azdce 2:2017-cv-01321 azdce 2:2017-cv-01323 cacdce 2:2017-cv-03297 cacdce 8:2017-cv-00776 caedce 2:2017-cv-00926 casdce 3:2017-cv-00886 azdce 2:2017-cv-01284 cacdce 2:2017-cv-03272 aredce 3:2017-cv-00094 cacdce 2:2017-cv-03199 cacdce 2:2017-cv-03204 cacdce 2:2017-cv-03209 cacdce 2:2017-cv-03213 cacdce 2:2017-cv-03222 cacdce 2:2017-cv-03229 moedce 4:2017-cv-01405 moedce 4:2017-cv-01406 moedce 4:2017-cv-01407 moedce 4:2017-cv-01408 moedce 4:2017-cv-01409 paedce 2:2017-cv-01963 paedce 2:2017-cv-01964 akdce 3:2017-cv-00096 aredce 4:2017-cv-00277 aredce 4:2017-cv-00278 paedce 5:2017-cv-01945 paedce 2:2017-cv-01938 paedce 2:2017-cv-01941 paedce 2:2017-cv-01942 paedce 2:2017-cv-01936 paedce 2:2017-cv-01937 paedce 2:2017-cv-01939 paedce 2:2017-cv-01940 paedce 5:2017-cv-01960 paedce 2:2017-cv-01991 pamdce 1:2017-cv-00746 pamdce 1:2017-cv-00745 nysdce 1:2017-cv-02681 tnmdce 3:2017-cv-00694 cacdce 2:2017-cv-02655 paedce 2:2017-cv-01578 azdce 2:2017-cv-01025 azdce 2:2017-cv-01027 azdce 2:2017-cv-01026 cacdce 2:2017-cv-02628 cacdce 2:2017-cv-02631 cacdce 2:2017-cv-02638 cacdce 2:2017-cv-02641 cacdce 2:2017-cv-02642

All said, looks like over 50 lawsuits filed across the country.

The Complaint may “swing for the fences”

The complaints will normally allege violations of federal law including:

  • Violation of Title 47 U.S.C. Section 605 [Communications Act of 1934]
  • Violation of Title 47 U.S.C. Section 553 [The Cable & Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992]
  • If you are sued in California a claim under business and professions code section 17200 may also be alleged.

Here is one clip relating to the allegations that the owner knew about the illegal broadcasting:

“Plaintiff is informed and believes, and alleges thereon that on Saturday, May 7, 2016 (the night of the Program at issue herein, as more specifically defined in paragraph 14), Defendant XXXXX specifically directed or permitted the employees of XXXX Barbershop to unlawfully intercept and broadcast Plaintiff's Program at XXXX Barbershop, or intentionally intercepted, and/ or published the Program at XXXX Barbershop herself. The actions of the employees of XXXX Barbershop are directly imputable to Defendant XXX by virtue of her acknowledged responsibility for the operation of XXXX barbershop.”

This allegation seeks to take care of the “I didn't do it myself” defense or the “I didn't know anything about this.”

Remedies sought

Here is some language from one federal lawsuit I reviewed which shows the types of remedies that may be sought in a case:

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment as set forth below.

As to the First Count:

1. For statutory damages in the amount of $110,000.00 against the Defendant and

2. For reasonable attorneys' fees as mandated by statute, and

3. For all costs of suit, including but not limited to filing fees, service of process fees, investigative costs, and

4. For such other and further relief as this Honorable Court may deem just and proper;

As to the Second Count:

1. For statutory damages in the amount of $60,000.00 against the Defendant and

2. For reasonable attorneys' fees as may be awarded in the Court's discretion pursuant to statute, and

3. For all costs of suit, including but not limited to filing fees, service of process fees, investigative costs, and

4. For such other and further relief as this Honorable Court may deem just and proper.

Is broadcasting a fight for commercial purposes without a license a crime?

Some clients have asked me “will I go to jail?”  Technically there are civil and potential criminal penalties under the law.  However, most cases can be resolved on a civil basis.

Potential Defenses

Here is one case that talks about being authorized by a cable operator.

Contact a cable / satellite tv piracy defense lawyer

If you are the owner or operator of a barber shop, pizza joint, sports bar, restaurant, night club, strip club, poker room, or other entertainment establishment and received a notice of lawsuit, call us for a free initial consultation.  We can be reached at (877) 276-5084.  In most cases we can offer a low flat rate fee (predictable fee) to represent you to try to get your case settled.

About the Author

Steve Vondran

Thank you for viewing our blogs, videos and podcasts. As noted, all information on this website is Attorney Advertising. Decisions to hire an attorney should never be based on advertising alone. Any past results discussed herein do not guarantee or predict any future results. All blogs are written by Steve Vondran, Esq. unless otherwise indicated. Our firm handles a wide variety of intellectual property and entertainment law cases from music and video law, Youtube disputes, DMCA litigation, copyright infringement cases involving software licensing disputes (ex. BSA, SIIA, Siemens, Autodesk, Vero, CNC, VB Conversion and others), torrent internet file-sharing (Strike 3 and Malibu Media), California right of publicity, TV Signal Piracy, and many other types of IP, piracy, technology, and social media disputes. Call us at (877) 276-5084. AZ Bar Lic. #025911 CA. Bar Lic. #232337


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